Fast and professional
Why Mahan Artificial Eye Clinic?

- Experienced and professional staff
- Quality materials
- Valid warranty and service
- New and completely professional coloring method
- One day delivery
- Prosthesis manufacturing in a scientific way with precise molding
Mahan Artificial Eye Clinic is known as the first and best scientific center for making artificial eyes in the country. In this collection, different types of eye prostheses are produced using the best medical grade materials. At Cheshm Mahan Prosthetics Clinic, a collection of the most skilled people and specialist forces are ready to respond to your needs

What is an artificial eye or eye prosthesis?
Mahan Artificial Eye Specialist Clinic
An artificial eye or eye prosthesis is a medical device and is used in people who have lost their eyes. Sometimes people may have to evacuate their eyes due to an accident or a disease such as eye cancer. In this situation, in order to improve the appearance and prevent cases such as eyelid drooping, it is better for patients to refer to a prosthetist to make the right type of artificial eye. For more information on artificial eyes, refer to the link below.
The steps of making an artificial eye or eye prosthesis
Mahan Artificial Eye Specialist Clinic
Making an artificial eye in Mahan Eye Prosthesis Clinic is done in several stages. To make an artificial eye, all these steps must be done very delicately and very carefully.
First, the type of artificial eye must be carefully selected by the ophthalmologist so that it matches the color of the patient's eyes. Completing an eye prosthesis requires a difficult process, and the ocularist must be familiar with a wide variety of colors, patterns, and sizes suitable for different iris and pupil diameters.
It should be noted that making acrylic eye prostheses takes more time than making artificial eyes made of glass. In the patient's first visit, the form, as well as the color and size of the iris are determined by the specialist doctor according to the natural eye of the person, and then the color of the iris is painted on an iris button. Meanwhile, if there is an opportunity, a wax model will be designed according to the eye socket. In the second time, the ophthalmologist places the more precise shape of the prosthesis on the socket. In Mahan eye prosthesis clinic, which is known as the best eye prosthesis manufacturing center in the country, digital painting and molding are done with a new method. Mahan Collection delivers the work in the shortest possible time. Also, in this field, this clinic has official licenses from the Deputy of Medical Education and Treatment.
Does Mahan Artificial Eye Clinic have the ability to make eye prostheses for all people?
Mahan eye prosthesis specialist clinic
The first scientific center for making artificial eyes
Mahan eye prosthesis specialist clinic
The use of artificial eyes in the human body has a very long history, so that an example of artificial eyes was also found in the remains of a burnt city that dates back to several thousand years ago. Today's eye prostheses were originally made of glass, but now these prostheses are made of a kind of transparent plastic material by skilled people in this field. Mahan Artificial Eye Specialist Clinic, as the first scientific center for making artificial eyes in Iran, by employing the best ophthalmologists and ocularists in this field, as well as benefiting from the latest technologies and devices in the world, provides the best services to our dear patients in order to have the best experience and results. achieve in this field.

When does a person need an eye prosthesis?
Ecularists or prosthetists
Specialists in molding and making eye prostheses

The price of artificial eyes
The price of artificial eyes in Mahan clinic
Various factors affect the cost of artificial eyes. For example, the type and quality of materials used to make eye prostheses and implants are factors affecting the price.
Also, the amount of damage to the eye and actually the type of prosthesis and implant that is made for the damaged area affects the final price.

Geographical location of Mahan Clinic
Address:(plate 340) 3rd floor - Bahar doctors building - between Kargar and Jamalzadeh - next to Dr. Shidadost's pharmacy -Keshavarz Blvd. - between Kargar and Jamalzadeh-Tehran , Iran

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